Algorithm identifier

Intervention coverage tool


Tool to predict coverage of interventions, such as vaccine or mass drug administration, using georeferenced coverage survey data. Also provides the option to obtain recommendations of further survey sites to improve predictions using spatially adaptive sampling. Customized version of the generic prevalence predictor.

General parameters

if predict_to = grid

  • Produces a raster (GeoTIFF) of predicted probability of the outcome. See predict_to parameter for information on defining the resulting resolution/extent.

if predict_to = points

  • Produces a csv file of prediction_points with additional columns
  • prevalence_prediction: point prevalence prediction (i.e. best guess)
  • prevalence_bci_width: 95% prediction interval

If exceedance_threshold is defined, in addition

  • exceedance_probability: The probability that true prevalence exceeds exceedance_threshold.
  • exceedance_uncertainty: The probability that the predicted class is correct.
  • entropy: The entropy (0-1 scale) associated with each prediction. Higher entropy equates to higher uncertainty in classification.

or predict_to = polygons

  • Produces the same metrics/fields as if predicting to points. Resulting file is a GeoJSON.

If batch_size is specified, an additional column adaptively_selected with TRUE or FALSE is added, representing whether the location has been selected adaptively.